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Organization Accredited by Joint Commission International Organization Accredited by Joint Commission International

Human Resources Policy


Medistate Kavacık Hospital’s personnel consist of compatible individuals who support each other, whose team motivation is superior. Human Resources Policy works with individuals and teams who are able to convert the highly motivated synergy into energy, in line with the strategies due to business processes and the goals.

In this content the basic principles are following;

  • To keep up the unity and solidarity motivation of the personnel,
  • To follow a transparent and clear communication management policy to their personnel,
  • To make a healthy, peaceful and trustable work environment and to provide the continuance of this,
  • To protect the personnel’s rights materially and spiritually,
  • To review, update and develop the human resources policy constantly.
  • To appreciate and reward the personnel who show high performance with the performance appraisals which will be made in certain periods.

Education and Personality Development Opportunities;

  • To provide education and self-improvement opportunities to their personnel constantly,
  • To enable their personnel to improve their craft knowledge and their competencies, behavioral skills and leadership properties with the educations which they provide either inside the company or outside the company.

Wage and fringe benefits; WAGE:Monthly payment is made according to the determined wage scale.

TRANSPORTATION: There are free service nets to certain routes in Asian and European sides of Istanbul.

FOOD:Free lunch service is offered to all the personnel, including ones who work in shift system of Medistate Kavacık Hospital

PUBLIC HOUSING: Free public housing is enabled at a close location to Hospital to the nurses and healthcare staff who have no location to stay.