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Organization Accredited by Joint Commission International Organization Accredited by Joint Commission International


In the laboratory of the Medistate Hospital Istanbul, both internal and external control studies are meticulously run in orderto increase reliability of diagnostic tests using cutting edge laboratory technology.

In addition to the routine biochemical parameters, many tests such as hormone level measurements, blood counts in sub groups, rheumatologic examinations, serologic tests, urine tests, blood gases, bacteriology, tuberculosis, virology, immunology, parasitoLogy and mycoLogyare meticulously run in the Central Laboratory of the Medistate Hospital Istanbul by experienced and qualified technician personnel. The test results are carefully approved by scientific academic staff and then, they are delivered to physicians and patients.

If requested, each patient is provided necessary medical information about the tests performed in concerning patients and the process is started after the consent is obtained. Performing medical processes by attaching sincere respect to the ethical values and patient rights and following the principle of confidentiality related with patient results, the Central Laboratory of the Medistate Hospital Istanbul gradually enlarges the spectrum of test panel and the unit offers the highest quality service in the current competitive environment.

The divisions of the laboratory in the Medistate Hospital Istanbul are as follows; hematological tests (blood counts with sub groups, sedimentation], routine biochemistry tests (the enzymes, proteins, minerals, electrolytes and metaboLites in the blood and ali body fluids], hormone tests (thyroid tests, fertility and pregnancy tests, tumor markers, anemia tests andvitamins, bone and metabolism hormones), diagnosis of infectious diseases caused by bacteria and conventional cuLture methods and in addition, the results are supported with rapid and reliable methods for confirmation and advanced Identification purposes.

Assessment of stained microscopic clinical examples enabling the clinician to rapidly make the diagnosis and no delay in reporting results of typing and sensitivity assays also ensure that the treatment is started as soon as possible. The stained preparations of acid resistant bacteria are read and results are reported within same day in tuberculosis laboratory and mycobacterial culture is performed. Serological tests (hepatitis, HIV, syphilis), coagulation tests (bleeding and coagulation profile, fibrin degradation productsl, urine tests and microbiological inoculums (all culture inoculums and advanced typing and sensitivity tests) are also run and their results are reported in the laboratory. In the field of parasitology, in addition to the conventional methods, new test methods are also used in order to provide results rapidly and reliably to patients; the diagnosis is supported with advanced serological and immunological tests.

The tests, which are rarely ordered and cannot be run in the laboratory of the Medistate Hospital Istanbul, are forwarded to a third party accredited laboratory and patients are provided most reliable results.

Medical Departments

M.D. Aygül Uluocak